Winter 2021 One Health Institute Seminar Series

Salmonella Syst-OMICS: Applying the One Health approach for improved food safety
March 26th, 2021 | Virtual
The One Health Institute is excited to present Dr. Goodridge!
Salmonella enterica is a bacterial zoonotic pathogen of global importance that cause approximately 80 million causes of foodborne illness each year. Transmission dynamics of Salmonella from livestock to humans, from livestock to the environment and from the environment to humans are complex and a systematic approach must be applied in order to reduce the burden of human salmonellosis. A systematic approach to controlling salmonella in humans, animals and the environment has been developed used genomic-based approaches. This Syst-OMICS approach will be discussed with examples of how it is being applied to reduce the burden and duration of foodborne Salmonellosis.
Watch the recording:

One Year, One Health
March 11th, 2021 | Virtual
The One Health Institute is excited to present Dr. Gillis!
Over the last year, COVID-19 has dominated almost every aspect of our lives. In this talk Dr. Gillis will present several ongoing COVID-19 research projects spanning the domains of computer science, mathematics, and public health. While the talk will focus on the use of scenario analysis and agent based models, data issues, science communication, and collaboration also will be discussed.
Watch the recording:

Physical distancing, school/workplace closure and Covid-19 disease burden in 20202: How many lives did we save?
February 26th, 2021 | Virtual
The One Health Institute is excited to present Dr. Fair!
To combat transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces and schools have undergone closures and Ontarians have been asked to engage in physical distancing. In this seminar you’ll be introduced to a mathematical model describing the impact of COVID-19 in Ontario and see how it is used to examine the effects of closures and distancing in reducing case numbers and deaths resulting from COVID-19.
Watch the recording:

February 12th, 2021 | Virtual
The One Health Institute is excited to present Emily Denstedt!
Dr. Emily Denstedt spoke about the decline of wild species and degradation of ecosystems, coupled with the encroachment of humankind into the planet’s remaining wild places, is opening the door for disease and other health challenges. This seminar will give you an inside look into how conservation-based health experts are working to identify where and how these health risks are emerging, while taking action towards the conservation of biodiversity and intact landscapes.
Watch the recording:

January 29, 2021| Virtual
The One Health Institute kicked off it’s seminar series with the Director of the One Health Institute, Dr. Cate Dewey!
Dr. Dewey spoke about her decade-long research project in rural Kenya where she worked with smallholder pig farmers to improve pig and community health by educating farmers on the epilepsy-causing parasite transmitted from pigs to humans.
Watch the recording:
Biology and Control of SARS-CoV-2 Webinar
Nov. 9, 2020 |Virtual

This was a moderated and interactive webinar put on in partnership with the Ontario Veterinary College. It aimed to provide up-to-date scientific information on biology of SARS-CoV-2 and prophylactic strategies (such as vaccines) that are under development for control of this virus.
This session featured SARS-CoV-2 researchers from the University of Guelph, University of Toronto, and McMaster University, and was moderated by Dr. Shayan Sharif (Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, OVC). Read more about the panelists here.
- Watch the recording:
One Health Seminar & Poster Day
November 3, 2020 | Virtual

Have you ever wondered…
What is One Health? How can One Health be applied to solve some of the most wicked, real-world challenges? What types of careers are available to a One Health practitioner?
The day gave participants the chance to interactively learn about One Health and its real-world applications across diverse fields as well as explore a cross-section of innovative and exciting research taking place at the interface of human, animal, and environmental health.
This event was presented in collaboration with the Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses (CPHAZ) at the University of Guelph and the One Health Program in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University.
Check out the program for the day here.
All One Health posters from the day can be founder here:
For any questions and inquiries, please contact