One Health Newsletters
Newsletter Archives: The biweekly One Health Newsletter provides information on One Health news and events here at the University of Guelph and other relevant institutions.
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One Health research in action at the University of Guelph
Rural Empowerment
Implementing sustainable agricultural practices is particularly important for improving food security and farmer livelihoods in the rural Honduran hillsides. Nearly 30 years of a participatory research program, initiated by Dr. Sally Humphries, has resulted in farmers learning how to maximize the productivity of their land and improve soil health, while it has also enriched gender equality by empowering women and youth to be involved in decision-making processes. True to the One Health approach, this one-of-a-kind research program has been driven by Honduran farmers, agronomists, and scientists, in a way that has mutually benefitted them all.
Reducing Consumer Risk
Sporadic outbreaks of exotic vector-borne diseases in the British horse industry can have significant health and economic consequences. By interviewing equine veterinarians, a multidisciplinary team explored the barriers, opportunities, and attitudes toward exotic disease preparedness in Great Britain. Dr. Kelsey Spence of the Ontario Veterinary College is part of the team with other researchers from the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, and Australia.

Exploring Policy
Governments play an important role in shaping human health due to their influence in social and political environments. Through a case study on micronutrient malnutrition in Indonesia, Dr. Carmen Ho of the Department of Political Science investigated what motivates governments to implement “benevolent policies”.

Today’s complex health issues – infectious diseases, food safety, antimicrobial resistance – provide increasing evidence that human, plant and animal, and environmental health are connected in more ways than we ever imagined. So much so, that global examples abound of disruptions in one species or ecosystem reverberating throughout the rest of the “system,” even half a world away. And that socio-economic conditions are often pivotal in the extent of disruptions and recovery in the affected communities.
One Health is the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working together on our planet’s most complex animal, human and environmental health problems.
The University of Guelph is consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top research-intensive, comprehensive universities. And the Ontario Veterinary College is among the five best in the world.
One Health is not new to the U of G. With its roots in veterinary medicine and food production, researchers here have long understood the close relationship between the health of plants, animals, people and the land that supported them.
Today we are developing transdisciplinary graduates with the unique skills to effectively address complex health issues using a One Health approach. The One Health Institute was established in 2018 to provide focus and support to One Health initiatives in all seven colleges across campus.
Guelph researchers are using a One Health approach to tackle many of the most pressing health issues of our time including:
- zoonotic diseases
- diseases with pandemic potential (e.g., COVID-19)
- community-based research on water quality
- poverty and food security in subsistence economies
- antimicrobial resistance in Canada and abroad
- climate change and the spread of vector-borne disease
- pollinator health
- effects of pet ownership on human wellbeing
- clinical trials in comparative oncology
- informatics and disease modelling
For more examples of One Health research, teaching and building a Community of Practice at the University of Guelph, please go to The One Health Institute’s 2021 report.
Learn about how faculty and students incorporate
One Health into their research and studies
Learn about upcoming One Health events at U of G… and beyond!

Are you a Student Interested in One Health?
Check out these resources below
UofG Student Resources
- Consider applying for a One Health Research Grant
- Become a member of our One Health Student Committee
- One Health Coffee House
- Scholarships
Other Student Resources
- Club Map listing student groups around the world
- Spreadsheet listing student groups around the world
- Toolkit on how to start a One Health club and activities to do as a club
- Includes info on Smithsonian Outbreak exhibit materials and virtual tour
- Includes info on teaching One Health lessons to children
- Revamped toolkit with graphics
- Information on starting and running a OH conference here and this link

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine / Master of Public Health
Combined Degree program

Collaborative Specialization in
One Health
Graduate Program
Learn More About One Health
About One Health and One Health Commission
- One Health Commission
- COVID-19 and One Health
- One Health Initiative
- One Health Social Sciences Initiative
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | One Health
Education Opportunities and Resources
- Education Map
- One Health Commission’s Opportunities Bulletin Board to view and submit educational opportunities
- One Health for One Planet Education (1HOPE) Initiative – Engaging in One Health education in your area
- K-12 One Health Educational Resources
- Resources for students interested in veterinary medicine and public health, compiled by the CDC
- Compiled by the International One Health Student Alliance (ISOHA)

Last updated: 3/21/2024