OHI Awards | Submit an Application

One Health Institute Awards | Submit an Application

One Health collaborations across disciplines, faculties and campuses are important steps to resolving and understanding complex problems that exist at the interface of human, animal, and environmental health.

The One Health Institute offers several studentship opportunities for students to engage in One Health research:



  • Coming soon… check back in October, 2024!

How to Apply

There are two applications – one shared application for the undergraduate awards, and a separate application for the graduate award. Applications will only be considered if the student will engage in One Health research. For all awards, priority will be given to:

  • Early career/pre-tenure researchers
  • A faculty member who has not previously received an award administered by the One Health Institute


  • You may submit ONE project for consideration for the undergraduate awards. There is a check box in the application where you can indicate which undergraduate award(s) you would like to be considered for.
  • You may submit an application for undergraduate awards, and a SEPARATE application for the graduate award. If you submit the same project for a the undergraduate AND graduate awards, you MUST clearly explain the role for the student, differentiating between an undergraduate summer research experience, and graduate study.

Click the buttons below to apply for the award(s) you are interested in.


To complete the application for the One Health Institute’s UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS, you will need to provide: 

  • Your name, affiliation and contact information
  • Proposed start date
  • Project title
  • Project proposal description (1/2 page or 250 words)
  • At least one project objective and a description of why a One Health approach is necessary to achieve this objective
  • A short description of the role for the student in this project

You may submit ONE project for consideration

Faculty members who are successful in Stage 1 may advertise for a student during Stage 2 (“Selection of Students by Faculty Members successful in Stage 1”).

The 2023/2024 application window has closed.



Faculty at the University of Guelph are eligible to apply if they are supervising (or planning to supervise) a graduate student who is conducting research that employs a One Health approach to further our understanding of climate change and its effects on health and the environment, including but not limited to mitigation of and adaptation to the climate crisis.

Faculty members in good standing at the University of Guelph are eligible to apply for this award if they are supervising (or planning to supervise) a graduate student whose research meets the focus mentioned above and if they are collaborating with a faculty member from another college. Both investigator and the collaborator must be members of the graduate student’s supervisory committee.

To complete the application for one or more of the One Health Institute’s GRADUATE AWARD, you will need to submit an expression of interest, a 2-page document which will include:

  • Applicant and collaborator names, email addresses, affiliations and contact information
  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Description of research and how the principal investigator and collaborator will each contribute to the proposed research, ensuring that it does use a One Health approach
  • Relevance of a One Health approach to the research
  • Description of the student’s role in the project

Email expressions of interest as a word file to Katherine Heyland, OHI Program Manager, heylandk@uoguelph.ca.

The 2023/2024 application window has closed.

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