Affiliated Faculty

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Tara Abraham

Headshot of Tara Abraham

Associate Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: History of medicine, history of psychiatry and psychology; professionalization, disciplinary identity, medical pedagogy.

Faculty profile:

Elif Acar

Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair | Mathematics & Statistics | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: One Health approaches to statistical modelling; high-dimensional data analysis and integration; statistical genetics; nonparametric methods; survival analysis; meta-analysis; and replicability

Faculty profile:

Sarah Alderman

Assistant Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Mechanisms and consequences of stress on animal physiology; environmental stressors on neural, endocrine and cardiac systems.

Faculty profile:

Madhur Anand

Headshot of Madhur Anand

Professor | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Global ecological change, sustainability science, ecological modelling, coupled human behaviour-environmental change systems,  biodiversity, creative writing.

Faculty profile:

Emmanuelle Arnaud

Headshot of Emmanuelle Arnaud

Associate Professor | Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Glacial geology, geology and groundwater, sedimentary geology, environmental geology, deformation structures, ice-marginal settings, agricultural and industrial contaminants, sedimentological analysis, spatial distribution and physical properties of glacial deposits.

Faculty profile:

Andrew Bailey

Professor | Associate Dean Research and Graduate Studies | Philosophy | College of Arts

Research interests: phenomenal consciousness, physicalism, mental causation and epiphenomenalism, phenomenal intentionality, panpsychism, and theories of perception; the problems of phenomenal consciousness, embodied cognition, and the thought of William James.

Faculty profile:

Shane Bateman

Headshot of Shane Bateman

Associate Professor | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Community-engaged service learning projects, veterinary palliative care, human-animal bond, coagulation abnormalities, lung injury, pain management and assessment.

Faculty interests:

Cathy Bauman

Headshot of Cathy Bauman

Assistant Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research Interests: Diagnostic test evaluations (especially using Bayesian methods), epidemiology, dairy small ruminants, and clinical trials.

Faculty profile: 

Olaf Berke

Headshot of Olaf Berke

Associate Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research Interests: Statistical epidemiology, spatial and spatio-temporal epidemiology, biostatistics, zoonoses, environmental epidemiology, disease surveillance, meta-analysis, time series analysis, reproducible research, public health, one health

Faculty profile:

Joey Bernhardt

Assistant Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: My research aims to advance our fundamental understanding of the drivers of biodiversity change and the consequences of these changes for human well-being. My research advances a solution to this research challenge by studying the processes that unite all of life on Earth – the metabolic processes by which living systems uptake, store and convert energy, matter and information from their environments to grow and persist.

Faculty profile:

Korryn Bodner

Assistant Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Statistical and mathematical modelling of emerging infectious diseases; disease ecology and zoonotic disease dynamics; ecological and epidemiological network analysis; forecasting and outbreak prediction; assessment of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions; bias and uncertainties in epidemiological data.

Faculty profile:

Emma Borkowski

Assistant Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Veterinary parasitology, especially parasites of livestock, immune responses to parasites, sustainable parasite control.

Faculty profile:

Elizabeth Boulding

Headshot of Elizabeth Boulding

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Invasion biology, genetic adaptation, genomic selection and growth, shape, and pathogen-resistant traits in Atlantic salmon, assessment of heritable variation in biological control.

Faculty profile:

Samantha Brennan

Headshot of Samantha Brennan

Professor | Dean | Philosophy | College of Arts

Research interests: Contemporary normative ethics, applied ethics including health care ethics, and feminist philosophy

Faculty profile:

Byram Bridle

Headshot of Byram Bridle

Associate Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Viral immunology, cancer treatment, personalized therapy, cytokine responses to viruses in males and females, inflammation disorders.

Faculty profile:

Ruben Burga

Assistant Professor | Management | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Organizational leadership and management issues in social entrepreneurship/enterprises; knowledge transfer, stakeholder theory, sustainability and accountability principles and their effect on firm performance.

Faculty profile:

Jamie Burr

Headshot of Jamie Burr

Associate Professor | Human Health and Nutritional Sciences | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Novel training methods, interventions and supplements which may lead to adaptation and performance improvement; the effects of physical activity, sport, and exercise to alter cardiovascular form and function. 

Faculty profile:

Wayne Caldwell

Headshot of Wayne Caldwell

Professor Emeritus (OAC – Rural Planning) | Environmental Design and Rural Development | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: The future of rural communities, planning, community development, agricultural land preservation, siting livestock facilities, rural land use, and the environment, measuring farmland loss, immigration in rural communities, food security, and rural resilience.

Faculty profile:

Catherine Carstairs

Headshot of Catherine Carstairs

Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: History of medicine, history of public health, gender history, dentistry, drug and alcohol use.

Faculty profile:

Alex Chan

Assistant Professor | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests:  Neurocritical care, neuroimaging, neuromuscular diseases, veterinary neurology.

Faculty profile: available soon!

Chris Choi

Headshot of Chris Choi

Professor | Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Tourist engagement, travel and happiness, conscious consumption, sustainable tourism management, authenticity, value in use and exchange, attitudinal scale development.

Faculty profile:

Katie Clow

Headshot of Katie Clow

Assistant Professor | Graduate Program Coordinator, One Health | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Vector-borne and zoonotic diseases, disease ecology, epidemiology, surveillance, One Health pedagogy.

Faculty profile: 

Marc Coppolino

Associate Professor | Chair | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Cell adhesion and migration in disease progression; tumour cell invasion and metastasis; biochemical signalling in health and disease.

Faculty profile:

Karl Cottenie

Associate Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Community ecology, metacommunity dynamics, molecular identification, data analysis in R, instruction, graduate training, Spatio-temporal analysis, computational ecology.

Faculty profile:

Georgina Cox

Headshot of Georgina Cox

Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: How bacteria resist antibiotics and how they interact with their host. Identifying and developing alternatives to antibacterial chemotherapy.

Faculty profile: 

Sherri Cox

Dr. Sherri Cox

Assistant Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Welfare of wild animals, restoring health to sick and injured wildlife, anthropogenic effects on wildlife that have been admitted to rehabilitation centres, investigating morbidities in individual wild animals admitted to rehabilitation centres.

Faculty profile:

Rozita Dara

headshot of Rozita Dara

Associate Professor | Computer Science | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests:  Artificial intelligence, decision support systems, data standardization and integration analysis, information privacy, and data governance.

Faculty profile: 

Anne Deckert

Special Graduate Faculty | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests:  One Health; antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in humans, animals, and food; swine health; integrated surveillance; Central Asia

One Health Faculty Interview with Dr. Anne Deckert: Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to global health by diminishing the effectiveness of antibiotics, which can be addressed through understanding livestock health management. Researcher Dr. Anne Deckert of the Ontario Veterinary College is part of a collaborative team in public health surveilling AMR in swine to safeguard human and animal health. Photo:

Dr. Anne Deckert’s research at Canada Integrated Program for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CIPARS) involves monitoring trends in AMR and factors impacting those trends, such as how health status and demographic information within swine production systems impact antimicrobial use. Close interactions between livestock and humans can result in exposure to resistant organisms, so assessing different uses of antimicrobials and understanding those that are important in human medicine is critical to livestock management and mitigating AMR. Surveillance of AMR allows Dr. Deckert to identify potential problems or areas that need more research in antimicrobial use and identify new and emerging diseases in swine.

Using a One Health approach with CIPARS has expanded the reach and applications of Dr. Deckert’s research, such as identifying trends between human health and swine health. Her work in public health has helped individuals directly working with livestock understand what AMR is. While a challenge to the One Health approach has been the limited understanding of livestock production systems within public health, her expertise has improved the understanding of livestock production within public health. Further environmental monitoring of AMR is peripheral to Dr. Deckert’s work; however, there are developing opportunities for collaboration with organizations to expand our understanding of the breadth of AMR.

Dr. Deckert has been on several graduate committees involving AMR use and is excited to start full time at OVC in a swine health management position in February 2024 to become further involved with the university.

2023. Authored by Nellissa Stalenhoef, Collaborative Specialization in One Health

Don Dedrick

Headshot of Don Dedrick

Associate Professor | Philosophy | College of Arts

Associate Professor | Psychology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Colour perception and categorization, cognitive science and its foundations, culture and cognition, the evolution of culture, experimental philosophy.

Faculty Profiles: ,

Giannina Descalzi

Assistant Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: The intersection of pain and emotion, pain-induced dysregulation of brain circuits and gene function, chronic pain in companion and production animals, multidisciplinary approach to determine causal relationships between circuit level changes in gene expression and behavioural pathology, astrocyte-neuronal coupling in chronic pain, chronic pain during development

Faculty Profile:

Cate Dewey

Professor | Director of the One Health Institute | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Prevention of zoonotic and food borne diseases, epidemiology, observational studies, swine health management, transmission and impact of swine diseases, enhancing health and livelihoods of small holder farmers, One Health community projects.

Faculty profile:

Sonia Dhaliwal

Assistant Professor | Management | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests:

Sonia’s research interest span in three broad categories. Firstly, Sonia’s research aims to produce knowledge that speaks directly to issues faced by industry, policy setters and regulators in the area of taxation and accounting.  She focuses on research areas that are of interest and relevance to accounting and tax practitioners with a goal to mobilize the knowledge beyond the academic world. Finally, Sonia’s research interest lie in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning in order to effectively lead and help students develop the skills needed to excel in the field of taxation and accounting.

Faculty profile:

Tirtha Dhar

Headshot of Tirtha Dhar

Associate Professor | Interim Chair | Marketing and Consumer Studies | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Quantitative marketing and industrial organization, marketing strategy and public policy, food and health marketing, analytical marketing modelling, retailing and channel management, movie marketing, and e-Commerce.

Faculty profile:

Todd Duffield

Headshot of Todd Duffield

Professor | Chair | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Metabolic disease in dairy cows, impact of lonophores in dairy cattle, pain management of dairy cattle, management of disease.

Faculty profile:

Lisa Duizer

Headshot of Lisa Duizer

Associate Professor | Chair | Food Science | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Descriptive analysis of whole grain products, perceptions of tastes and textures, sensory evaluation and aging.

Faculty profile:

Kari Dunfield

Headshot of Kari Dunfield

Professor | Canada Research Chair in Environmental Microbiology of Agro-ecosystems | Co-Executive Director, Soils@Guelph | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: The relationship between genetic diversity of soil microbial communities and soil ecosystem functioning; the impact of agricultural and environmental practices on soil microbial communities and microbially mediated soil processes; environmental microbiology, soil microbiology, bioremediation, applied soil ecology, molecular microbial ecology.

Faculty profile:

Animesh Dutta

Headshot of Animesh Dutta

Professor | Associate Director (Graduate Studies) | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Thermochemical conservation of agri-residue and bio-mass for energy, renewable and cleaner energy, water gasification for energy, assessment of advanced energy systems, thermodynamic optimization & lifecycle analysis.

Faculty profile:

Tuğçe Ellialtı-Köse

Assistant Professor | Sociology & Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests:  Law and society; gender, law, and social justice; law, medicine, and science, especially in criminal justice responses to gender-based and sexual violence; feminism and feminist theory, institutional ethnography; research methods.

Faculty profile:

Ming Z. Fan

Headshot of Ming Z. Fan

Professor | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests:  Understanding how nutrients affect physiological functions, wellbeing and health, using biotechnologies and genomics tools to understand how the environment is impacted by animal production, gastrointestinal physiology, nutrition and metabolism in pigs.

Faculty profile:

Laura Favetta

Headshot of Laura Favetta

Assistant Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Effects of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) and toxicants on gene expression and molecular mechanisms regulating early embryonic development; effect of CNV of genes on the Y-chromosome in relation to disease and fertility; reproductive toxicology in the bovine model with large translational potential on humans and other mammals

Faculty profile:

Zeny Feng

Professor | Mathematics & Statistics | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: My research lab is working on a broad range of projects but share a common theme on the development of statistical and computational tools or strategies for analyzing diverse type of data arising from different studies and addressing issues arising from these data analyses . Specifically, my research interests covers statistical genetics, bioinformatics, microbiome data analysis, infectious disease modelling, and environmental health. We are interested in applying statistical and computational tools to analyze data from different studies.

Faculty profile:

Elizabeth Finnis

Headshot of Elizabeth Finnis

Professor | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Smaller-scale farming, local food systems, agricultural and dietary transitions, food sovereignty, political ecology, qualitative methods, Canada, India, and Paraguay.

Faculty profile:

Lianne Foti

Headshot of Lianne Foti

Associate Professor | Management and Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Consumer behaviour, ethical decision making, international marketing, social marketing.

Faculty profile:

Karine Gagné

Headshot of Karine Gagné

Assistant Professor | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Climate change, ethics of care, human-animal relations, environment and infrastructure, citizenship, environmental knowledge.

Faculty profile:é

Jennifer Geddes-McAlister

Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair | Director, Bioinformatics Graduate Program | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Host-pathogen interactions; Fungal disease; Antifungal resistance; Mass spectrometry-based proteomics; Global food security and health; Systems biology; Bioinformatics

Faculty profile:

Daniel Gillis

Professor | Computer Science | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Ecological and public health risk assessment; Community-engaged software design; Bridging the Digital Divide; and Transdisciplinary Pedagogy.

Faculty profile:

Todd Gillis

Headshot of Todd Gillis

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: The cellular mechanisms underpinning cardiac function in vertebrates, the evolution of muscle contrition regulation, the molecular mechanisms underlying the remodelling capacity of the fish heart, bitumen exposure consequences on the development and function of the salmonid heart, hagfish performance during prolonged periods of anoxia.

Faculty profile:

Brandon Gilroyed

Headshot of Brandon Gilroyed

Associate Professor | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Renewable energy and biochemical production from agricultural byproducts and wastes; environmental sustainability; livestock mortality management; pathogens in engineered agricultural systems.

Faculty profile: 

Maya Goldenberg

Headshot of Maya Goldenberg

Professor | Philosophy | College of Arts

Research interests: Philosophy of medicine, philosophy of science, bioethics, women’s health, understanding when knowledge claims are justified in health care, evidence-based medicine, the decision-making framework that relies on clinical trial evidence, vaccine hesitancy.

Faculty profile:

Rosario Gómez

Headshot of Rosario Gomez

Associate Professor | School of Languages and Literatures | College of Arts

Research interests: Spanish / English linguistics, sociolinguistics, English / Spanish phonology, phonetics, romance philology, translation studies, Spanish and English as a second language.

Faculty profile:

Minglun Gong

Headshot of Minglun Gong

Professor | Computer Science | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Visual computing; computer graphics, computer vision, visualization, image processing, and pattern recognition.

Faculty profile:

Lawrence Goodridge

Headshot of Lawrence Goodridge

Professor | Director, Canadian Research Institute for Food Safety (CRIFS) | Graduate Coordinator, Food Safety & Quality Assurance Program | Food Science | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Use of genomics and bacteriophages to control the growth of foodborne pathogens, and to develop rapid tests to detect foodborne and waterborne pathogens with an emphasis on Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp, and Listeria monocytogenes, foodborne viruses, and foodborne toxins. 

Faculty profile: 

Thomas Graham

Headshot of Thomas Graham

Assistant Professor | PhytoGro Research Chair in Controlled Environment Systems | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests:  All things Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) including – Medicinal crop production, food insecurity in urban and northern/remote communities, water treatment technologies, bioregenerative life-support for human space exploration; resource recovery and recycling in vertical farming systems, CEA crop diversification, plant-environment interactions.

Faculty profile: 

Lauren Grant

Assistant Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests:  Social and environmental determinants of One Health in animal and human populations; Foodborne diseases; Translational animal diseases; Health equity; Healthcare utilization

Faculty profile:

Ryan Gregory

Headshot of Ryan Gregory

Professor and Department Chair | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Genome evolution, DNA quantification methodology, biological diversity, multi-level selection theory, integrative genomics.

Faculty profile:

Marc Habash

Headshot of Marc Habash

Associate Professor | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Water quality, microbial source tracking, waterborne pathogens, microbial biofilms, ecosystem science and biodiversity, plant and environmental health.

Faculty profile:

Jess Haines

Headshot of Jess Haines

Associate Professor | Family Relations & Applied Nutrition | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Child and family health, dietary intake, screen time, sleep, community and family-level behaviour change intervention.

Faculty profile:

Guelph Family Health Study:

Mehrdad Hajibabaei

Associate Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Genomics, bioinformatics, environmental DNA (eDNA), phylogenetics, ecological assessment, biodiversity, species identification, microbiome, DNA barcoding.

Faculty profile:

Andrew Hamilton-Wright

Headshot of Andrew Hamilton-Wright

Associate Professor | Computer Science | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Decision support, association mining, machine learning, disease characterization, biological signals, decision confidence, visualization, high-risk decision making, decision exploration.

Faculty profile:

Bob Hanner

Headshot of Bob Hanner

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Molecular biodiversity, molecular ecology, applied biomonitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA), invasive alien species, species-at-risk, animal and plant health, and food fraud.

Faculty profile:

Robert Harkness

Assistant Professor | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Structural dynamics of biomolecules in human health and disease; proteases in the protein homeostasis network; nucleases involved in the mRNA life cycle; and the dynamics of nucleic acid structures that regulate gene expression.

Faculty profile:

Spencer Henson

Headshot of Spencer Henson

Professor | Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Economic and social impacts of food-borne disease, especially in developing countries; economics of food safety; evaluation of food safety and animal health capacity-building, especially in developing countries; food safety and the informal sector.

Faculty profile:

Joanne Hewson

Headshot of Joanne Hewson

Associate Professor | Associate Dean, Students & Academic | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Bovine and equine respiratory disorders, communication skills in veterinary medicine, clinical teaching of veterinary medicine and performance assessment, curriculum design and mapping, veterinary community outreach.

Faculty profile:

Andreas Heyland

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Environmental monitoring in aquatic ecosystems including phytoplankton and zooplankton high-throughput monitoring strategies. Nutrient release from agriculture and aquaculture and its impact on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Harmful algal bloom analysis and mitigation strategies. Next generation water treatment technologies using photosynthetic algae.

Faculty profile:

Carmen Jacqueline Ho

Headshot of Carmen Jacqueline Ho

Assistant Professor | Political Science | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research Interests: Welfare state, social policies, bureaucratic politics, health politics and policy, maternal and child nutrition.

Faculty profile:

Mervyn Horgan

Headshot of Mervyn Horgan

Associate Professor | Sociology Graduate Program Coordinator | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Cities; Public Spaces; Social Theory; Social Interaction; Pet-facilitated Interaction; Housing; Solidarity; Stigmatization; Sociability

Faculty profile:

Sally Humphries

Headshot of Sally Humphries

Professor Emerita | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Sustainable rural livelihoods; agroecology and small farmer engagement; collaborative evaluation of impacts from participatory research and plant breeding in Honduras; collaborative research on gender equity and youth programming in rural areas of Honduras.

Faculty profile:

One Health Faculty Research Summary for Dr. Sally Humphries: Rural Empowerment

Implementing sustainable agricultural practices is particularly important for improving food security and farmer livelihoods in the rural Honduran hillsides. Nearly 30 years of a participatory research program, initiated by Dr. Sally Humphries, has resulted in farmers learning how to maximize the productivity of their land and improve soil health, while it has also enriched gender equality by empowering women and youth to be involved in decision-making processes. True to the One Health approach, this one-of-a-kind research program has been driven by Honduran farmers, agronomists, and scientists, in a way that has mutually benefitted them all.

2022. Authored by Carrie McMullen, Collaborative Specialization in One Health

Brian Husband

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Investigation of biodiversity science, conservation, and ecological sustainability of food production, through studies of the ecology, genetics, and reproductive biology of wild and domesticated plant populations.

Faculty profile:

Kris Inwood

Headshot of Kris Inwood

Professor | Economics and Finance | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics
Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: Economic history & economic development. Applications: long-term change, origins of health inequality and physical well-being, aboriginal demography, industrialization.

Faculty profile:

Fiona James

Headshot of Fiona May Kier James

Professor | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Neurological disorders, comparative epilepsy, EEG, veterinary neurology.

Faculty profile:

Claire Jardine

Headshot of Claire Jardine

Associate Professor | Regional Director of CWHC ON/NU | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Wildlife and ecosystem health, ecology of diseases in wild animal populations, rodent and vector borne diseases.

Faculty profile:

Candace Johnson

Headshot of Candace Johnson

Professor | Political Science | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Maternal health, reproductive rights, women and gender and politics, human rights and justice, Latin America.

Faculty profile:

Craig Johnson

Headshot of Craig Johnson

Professor | Political Science | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Environmental governance, climate change, urbanization, poverty, renewable energy, Asia, Latin America.

Faculty profile:

Andria Jones

Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Epidemiology of mental health and resilience in the veterinary and agricultural sectors, with a mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) research approach.

Faculty profile:

Nina Jones

Professor | Canada Research Chair | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Cell signaling events in mammalian development and disease including cancer, kidney disease and neurological disorders.

Faculty profile:

Vinay Kanetkar

Headshot of Vinay Kanetkar

Associate Professor | Graduate Coordinator | Marketing and Consumer Studies | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Market response models, forecasting, market research, conjoint analysis, marketing channels and pricing, managing and measuring price, responsiveness, marketing and operations, management interface.

Faculty profile:

Niel Karrow

Professor | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: My research interests focus on innate immunoregulation, immunotoxicology and immunogenetics. This includes identifying genetic markers associated with inflammatory diseases, assessing the effects of maternal inflammatory stress on the developing fetal neuroendocrine-immune system, assessing efficacy of immunoceuticals, and characterising the immunotoxicity of microbial toxins. I believe that diversity and inclusion in the classroom and laboratory foster creativity and global understanding. Thus, I am committed to providing an engaging learning environment that promotes these ideals, where all students are provided equal opportunity regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, socioeconomic status, or country of origin. 

Faculty profile:

Satsuki Kawano

Professor | One Health Collaborative Specialization Faculty | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Disability, well-being, mind-body integration, identity and personhood, ritual and performance, space and place, cross-cultural perspectives on human development, aging, and life course, and accommodations for students with learning and developmental disabilities in Japanese schools.

Faculty profile:

David Kelton

Headshot of David Kelton

Professor Emeritus | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Control of infectious and metabolic diseases of dairy cattle, especially Johne’s Disease, bovine mastitis and bovine lameness, and the prudent use of antibiotics in cattle as part of an overall strategy to decrease the risk of AMR.

Faculty profile:

Thomas Koch

Headshot of Thomas Koch

Associate Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Stem cell and tissue engineering-based therapies, joint cartilage, joint homeostasis, regenerative medicine, translation of novel therapies to human medicine.

Faculty profile:

Edward Koning

Headshot of Edward Koning

Associate Professor | Political Science | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests:  The politics of immigration, specifically in North West Europe and North America; the politics of immigrants’ social rights and the role of populist anti-immigrant parties; social policy; institutionalism.

Faculty profile:

Jonathan LaMarre

Headshot of Jonathan LaMarre

Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: The biology of small RNAs and their associated pathways in reproduction, neurobiology and cancer in multiple species. RNAs as biomarkers of fertility and development. 

Faculty profile: 

Gisèle LaPointe

Professor | NSERC/Dairy Farmers of Ontario Dairy Alliance | Food Science | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Dairy microbiology from production through processing and digestion. How feed, food, foodborne pathogens and probiotics interact and influence the composition and activity of the gut microbiota leading to potential health benefits or health risks. 

Faculty profile:èle-lapointe

Anna T. Lawniczak

Headshot of Anna T. Lawniczak

Professor | Mathematics and Statistics | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Mathematical modelling, simulation, & analysis of dynamics of complex natural, engineering & social systems, individually based simulation models, multi-agent-based simulations, cognitive agents, statistical analysis of simulation data, artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, spread of epidemics and vaccination strategies.

Faculty profile:

Stephen LeBlanc

Headshot of Stephen LeBlanc

Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Promotion of health, fertility, and productivity in dairy cattle, antimicrobial stewardship in dairy farming and veterinary practice, evidence-based veterinary medicine, and applied epidemiology.

Faculty profile:

Leah Levac

Headshot of Leah Levac

Associate Professor | Political Science | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: intersectionality and public participation, northern wellbeing, local politics, critical community-engaged scholarship.

Faculty Profile:

Jana Levison

Headshot of Jana Levison

Associate Professor | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Agricultural impacts on groundwater quality and quantity, impacts of climate change on hydrological systems, groundwater flow and contaminant transport in fractured geologic media, source water protection for Indigenous and rural communities.

Faculty profile:

One Health Faculty Interview with Dr. Jana Levison: Groundwater Health

Although harder to see than the surface water, like lakes and streams, that Canadians are used to, groundwater is an important source of water for consumption in rural areas, farming, and industrial uses. Dr. Jana Levison, an associate professor in water resources engineering, is concerned with the quality and quantity of groundwater and conducts research on the impacts of agriculture and climate change.

Monitoring groundwater provides important information for human health, especially for people who use well water that pulls directly from groundwater. With no municipal treatment of water, households can unknowingly consume contaminated water. Excess nutrients and pollutants in groundwater can also impact delicate ecosystems that rely on groundwater fed water sources and make animals that drink the water sick.

“I focus on groundwater but thinking about the entire water cycle is very important because groundwater flows along and then eventually discharges to streams and tributaries or on a deeper scale, directly into the Great Lakes… it’s really all connected.”

Also important is the monitoring of groundwater quantity; as climate change continues and population growth puts pressure on our natural resources, water scarcity may become a more critical issue for people, animals, and ecosystems that rely on our current abundance of natural water sources.

For Dr. Levison, using a One Health approach helps to put together the larger picture of what’s going on with our groundwater.

“Working at those intersections of different disciplines really helps with problem solving and coming up with unique approaches.”

Linking the technical side of her research to other disciplines helps to get a better view on how it impacts areas outside her specialty and pushes her to think outside the box. A memorable example for Dr. Levison was working out how to scale water quantity data down for collaboration on a project about salamander population modelling. Through partnerships with biologists, ecologists, and veterinarians she’s been a part of several multidisciplinary projects that highlight how important groundwater is to our environment, our food, and our health.

Many thanks to Dr. Levison for her time. For more information about Dr. Levison or her titles and affiliations please see the pages linked below.

Jana Levison, PhD, PEng (she/her)
Doody Family Chair for Women in Engineering
Associate Professor, Water Resources Engineering
Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute
School of Engineering
University of Guelph

2022. Authored by Laura Zehr, Collaborative Specialization in One Health

Diana Lewis

Headshot of Diana Lewis

Assistant Professor | Geography, Environment & Geomatics | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: fostering a wider understanding of Indigenous worldviews, and how Indigenous worldviews must inform environmental decisions, specifically as Indigenous peoples are impacted by resource or industrial development.

Faculty profile:

Julang Li

Headshot of Julang Li

Professor | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Fertility and ovarian function, bioactive peptide production, antibiotic alternatives; physiology and mechanisms of ovarian follicular development.

Faculty profile:

Loong-Tak Lim

Headshot of Loong-Tak Lim

Professor | Food Science | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Food packaging, electrospinning/electrospraying, encapsulation, biopolymer film/coating, coffee technology, injection moulding, and package prototyping.

Faculty profile:

Mark Lipton

Headshot of Mark Lipton

Professor | English and Theatre Studies | College of Arts

Research interests: Science communication, communication and media, art/sci collaborations, media education, health and wellness.

Faculty profile:

Philip A. Loring

Headshot of Philip A. Loring

Adjunct Faculty | Geography, Environment and Geomatics | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, and Global Director of Human Dimensions Science, The Nature Conservancy

Research interests: Food systems and security, community ecology, natural resource conflict, human ecology, and well-being.

Faculty profile:

Ray Lu

Headshot of Ray Lu

Associate Professor | Graduate Studies Coordinator | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Unfolded Protein Response and human diseases: cellular proteins involved in animal stress responses, the role of the Unfolded Protein Response in animal development, cell differentiation, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer and viral infection; Molecular mechanisms of aging, using planarians as aging models; gene-knockout mice; virus-cell interaction.

Faculty profile:

Brittany Luby

Headshot of Brittany Luby

Associate Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: Anishinaabe history, Crown-Indigenous relations, industrialization of the subarctic, food sovereignty, community wellbeing, oral research methodologies, land-based learning.

Faculty profile:

Lewis Lukens

Professor | Department of Plant Agriculture | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Agricultural genetics, agricultural genomics, crop quality and yield improvement, plant breeding, genetics of adaptation, genetic solutions to address agriculture’s environmental impact

Key words: Food safety, food security

Faculty profile:

David Ma

Headshot of David Ma

Professor | Human Health and Nutritional Sciences | College of Biological Science

Research interests: The influence of dietary fats on health and prevention of chronic disease throughout the lifecycle. In particular, bioactive fatty acids and their role in metabolism, breast cancer, brain health and childhood obesity prevention.  As Director of the Guelph Family Health Study, we are interested in determinants of health, community engaged research and knowledge translation.  As the Co-lead and PI of the SMART Training platform, we are focused on training the next generation in implementation science in healthy and smart cities.

Faculty profile: 

Guelph Family Health Study:

SMART training platform:

Pavneesh Madan

Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Investigating the factors influencing early embryo arrest, mortality, and survival in embryos produced by reproductive biotechnologies; unravelling the roles of epigenetic and signal transduction pathways in the precise control of early embryo development; embryonic health, and enhancing overall reproductive success.

Faculty profile: 

Ferdinando Manna

Assistant Professor | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: As a hydrogeologist, my research focuses on the analysis and assessment of groundwater recharge, including the study of the hydrological processes occurring across the critical zone from the atmosphere to the water table (precipitation, infiltration,  evapotranspiration and flow through the unsaturated zone) in heterogeneous aquifers. My approach includes coupling field research -physical and chemical observations- and numerical modelling at different temporal and spatial scales.

Faculty profile:

Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute:

Ed McBean

Headshot of Ed McBean

Professor Emeritus | Canada Research Chair in Water Supply Security | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Water supply security, municipal infrastructure integrity, risk assessment and management, statistical analyses of environmental data, solid waste management and landfill design.

Faculty profile:

David McCarthy

Professor and Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Waterborne Pathogens: Surveillance, Prediction and Mitigation | School of Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: David McCarthy is an environmental engineer focusing on the biosurveillance of pathogens in urban water systems and the development of methodologies to monitor and manage these to protect human health. His research spans health-related water microbiology, risk assessments, pathogen fate and transport, urban hydrology, stormwater management, green water treatment technologies, and novel IoT devices for the monitoring and sampling of water quality. David’s work has significantly impacted industry practices, including the development of novel stormwater treatment systems and real-time monitoring and control technologies for urban water systems.

Faculty Profile:

Marta McCarthy

Headshot of Martha McCarthy

Associate Professor | Fine Art and Music | College of Arts

Research interests: Choral music and social justice, Canadian choral mosaic, gesture as a unique representation of musical thought, choral rehearsing as “giving voice”, music and health.

Faculty Profile:

Stuart McCook

Headshot of Stuart McCook

Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: History of science, environmental history, Latin America, world history, international development, comparative history, coffee crop diseases, global history, and the history of tropical agriculture.

Faculty profile:

Mary Ruth McDonald

Headshot of Mary Ruth McDonald

Professor | Plant Agriculture | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Biology and management of crops, plant nutrition, biological control of plant pathogens, disease forecasting and management, management of nematodes on vegetable crops, Fusarium, and management of onion maggot, carrot rust fly and carrot weevil.

Faculty profiles:

Thomas McIlwraith

Headshot of Thomas McIlwraith.

Associate Professor | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Indigenous peoples, western Canada, ethnography, land use, hunting, territoriality, food and resource harvesting practices, contemporary Indigenous land use in the context of mining and logging.

Faculty profile:

C. Meghan McMurtry

Associate Professor | Psychology | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Child health (pediatric) psychology, pediatric acute and chronic pain, needle fear, procedural pain and fear, parent-child interactions and family influences on children’s pain.

Faculty profile:

Jennifer McWhirter

Associate Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Health and risk communication, public health competencies, generative AI and public health, built environment and public health, climate change and health, landscape design/architecture and health, design thinking, public health systems.

Faculty profile:

Faisal Moola

Associate Professor | Geography, Environment and Geomatics | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Forest conservation and management, Ecology and ethnoecology of plants, Environmental policy Indigenous-led conservation.

Faculty profile:

Alex Moskaluk

Assistant Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Antifungal resistance, zoonotic fungal infections, fungal pathogenesis, development of novel clinical diagnostic assays, and shelter medicine

Faculty profile:

Heather Murphy

Associate Professor | Canada Research Chair in One Health | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: 1. Microbial quality of water and public health: a. The impact of septic systems and agricultural activity on groundwater, b. Surface water quality and recreation, c. Burden of waterborne disease; 2. Water and sanitation challenges in resource-limited settings, 3. Interdisciplinary One Health approaches to reduce enteric disease transmission.

Faculty profile:

Susan Nance

Headshot of Susan Nance

Professor | History | College of Arts

Research interests: Animal history, environmental history, live performance and communication, entertainment and information industries, history of the North American West.

Faculty profile:

Erin Nelson

Headshot of Erin Nelson

Assistant Professor | Sociology & Anthropology | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research Interests: Sustainable food systems, agroecology, community development, community-engaged scholarship, Latin America.

Faculty Profile:

Amy Newman

Headshot of Amy Newman

Associate Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: The long-term effects of environmental stress on the development, behaviour, physiology and fitness of wildlife; how environmental change and landscape modification can impact stress responses in animals ranging from birds to butterflies to small mammals, and how these insights may apply to understanding stress and human health.

Faculty Profile:

Ryan Norris

Headshot of Ryan Norris

Associate Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Conservation, habitat loss, climate change, endangered and threatened species, protected areas, reintroduction, migration, movement, dispersal, birds, butterflies, and salamanders.


Kieran O’Doherty

Professor | Psychology | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Social and ethical aspects of science & technology (human microbiome; genetics/genomics; biobanks); health data governance; participatory health governance; public engagement; public deliberation; bioethics; critical health psychology.

Faculty profile:

Andrew Papadopoulos 

Headshot of Andrew Papadopoulos

Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Environmental public health policy and practice, healthy public policy, public health interventions, built environment and impacts on human health, food safety knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours, post-secondary student mental health, public health communication, post-secondary pedagogy, curriculum development, and program administration.

Faculty profile:

Kate Parizeau

Headshot of Kate Parizeau

Professor | Geography, Environment and Geomatics | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Using waste management to understand social organization and human exchanges with the environment; informality, urban inequality, feminist geography and social difference; waste management systems and planning; environmental health; scholarship of teaching and learning.

Faculty profile:

Beth Parker

Professor | NSERC Industrial Research Chair | Director of Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Specialization in high-resolution field methods for groundwater system characterization, using innovative characterization methods to improve monitoring system design, contaminant detection, and prediction of transport mechanisms in complex flow systems including fractured rock.


Morwick G360 Groundwater Research Institute:

University Consortium:

Jane Parmley

Headshot of Jane Parmley

Associate Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research Interests: One Health, Ecohealth, surveillance, antimicrobial resistance, wildlife health, zoonoses.

Faculty profile:


David Pearl

Headshot of David Pearl

Associate Professor | Graduate Coordinator | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Multi-level statistical modelling, analysis of spatial and molecular data, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Campylobacter and antimicrobial-resistant organisms in humans, cattle, dogs, poultry, swine, and wildlife.

Faculty profile:

Andrew Peregrine

Associate Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Epidemiology and impact of parasitic infections. Sustainable control of gastrointestinal parasites of sheep. Emerging zoonotic parasite infections of companion animals.

Faculty profile:

Jim Petrik

Headshot of Jim Petrik

Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Female reproductive biology and ovarian cancer, developing therapeutics for the treatment of late-stage ovarian cancer, focusing on anti-angiogenic therapies for inhibiting new growth of blood vessels supplying the tumours. 

Faculty profile:

Michèle Preyde

Headshot of of Michèle Preyde

Professor | Family Relations and Applied Nutrition | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Practitioner-researcher collaboration, biopsychosocial health and mental health, children and youth accessing intensive mental health services, and the psychosocial impacts of illness on vulnerable populations.

Faculty profile:èle-preyde

Ryan Prosser

Headshot of Ryan Prosser

Associate Professor | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Environmental toxicology, the fate of chemicals in the environment, toxicological risk assessment, and freshwater and marine mollusk biology.

Faculty Profile:


Ricardo Ramirez

Adjunct Professor | Environmental Design and Rural Development | Ontario Agricultural College, and Independent Researcher and Evaluator

Research interests: Evaluation, research and mentoring; communication for development: planning & capacity development; knowledge management for rural development & agriculture: capacity development and action research; participatory planning and evaluation approaches; multi-stakeholder and collaborative approaches for natural resource management.

Co-principal investigator:

Core team member:

David Renaud

Headshot of David Renaud

Assistant Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Risk factors associated with mortality at veal operations, developing strategies to reduce antimicrobial use in the veal sector, evaluating the utility of navel disinfection in dairy calves, and identifying new technologies to improve calf health and welfare.

Faculty profile:

Davar Rezania

Headshot of Davar Rezania

Associate Professor | Department Chair | Management | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests: Project management, accountability, team leadership, sustainable economics, sustainable agriculture, biomimicry.

Faculty profile:

Eduardo de Souza Ribeiro

Headshot of Eduardo de Souza Ribeiro

Associate Professor | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Interplay between animal health, nutrition, and reproduction and their impact on livestock production efficiency and sustainability.

Faculty profile:

Nicole Ricker

Headshot of Nicole Ricker

Assistant Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Application of big data analysis techniques to disease informatics, microbial sequencing data in precision agriculture applications, genomics and metagenomics, antimicrobial resistance, the role of the microbiome in disease progression/immune development, One Health approaches to AMR and antibiotic alternatives.  

Faculty profile:

Darren Robinson

Headshot of Darren Robinson

Professor | Weed Management Specialist | Plant Agriculture | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Weed management in vegetable crops, the effects of cultural practises and soil fertility on crop-weed competition and the effect of herbicide residues on the production of vegetables. 

Faculty profile:

Silvia Sarapura

Assistant Professor | Environmental Design and Rural Development | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Gender planning in agri-food systems, gender transformative change, farmer-led research, indigenous food systems, integrated seed systems, international research for development, gender and intersectionality in agri-food systems.

Faculty profile:

Praveen Saxena

Headshot of Praveen Saxena

Professor | Director, Gosling Research Institute for Plant Preservation | Plant Agriculture | Ontario Agricultural College

Research institute:  Regulatory signals that modulate plant development and stress mitigation; development of in vitro technologies for propagation and conservation of plant genetic resources including endangered, medicinal, ornamental, and food crops for horticultural industries.

Faculty profile:

Flavio Schenkel

Headshot of Flavio Schenkel

Professor | CGIL Director | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Genetics and genomics in livestock breeding; using genomic information to enhance genetic evaluation and genomic selection.

Faculty profile:

Marcel Schlaf

Headshot of Marcel Schlaf

Professor | Chemistry | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Chemical synthesis, catalysis, biomass conversion, sustainable chemistry & metallurgy, synergistic co-processing & recycling.


Rebecca Shapiro

Headshot of Rebecca Shapiro

Associate Professor | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Genomic technologies (CRISPR-Cas9, high-throughput functional genomic analysis), fungal pathogenesis (microbial fungal pathogens and the mechanisms by which they cause disease), antifungal drug resistance.

Faculty profile:

Shayan Sharif

Headshot of Shayan Sharif

Professor | Interim Vice-President Research and Innovation | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Immunology of avian influenza virus infection, vaccine development against low pathogenicity and highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, innovation in chicken gut microbiota manipulation for control of enteric zoonotic pathogens

Faculty profile:

Paul Sibley

Headshot of Paul Sibley

Professor | Director, School of Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Aquatic and sediment toxicology, ecological risk assessment, benthic invertebrate and zooplankton community ecology, aquatic-terrestrial interactions, disturbance ecology.

Faculty profile:

Jennifer Silver

Headshot of Jennifer Silver

Professor | Geography, Environment and Geomatics | College of Social and Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Fisheries, aquaculture, and coastal communities; international ocean governance; indigenous fishing rights; media and technology in environmental governance.

Faculty profile:

Joshua August (Gus) Skorburg

Headshot of Joshua August (Gus) Skorburg

Assistant Professor | CARE-AI affiliate | Philosophy | College of Arts

Research interests: Bioethics, AI ethics, neuroethics, business ethics; virtue theory, philosophy of cognitive science, experimental philosophy; mHealth, digital phenotyping, computational psychiatry, computational social science.

Faculty profile:

Justin Slater

Assistant Professor | Mathematics and Statistics | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Statistical epidemiology, Bayesian statistics, spatiotemporal statistics, infectious disease modelling.

Faculty profile:

Dave Snow

Headshot of Dave Snow

Associate Professor | Political Science | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Health policy; federalism; the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Faculty profile:

Kelsey Spence

Headshot of Kelsey Spence

Assistant Professor | Population Medicine | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Emerging diseases, biosecurity, outbreak preparedness, risk perceptions and health behaviours, risk mitigation strategies, and knowledge translation.

Faculty profile:

John Srbely

Headshot of John Srbely

Associate Professor | Human Health and Nutritional Sciences | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Clinical biomechanics and neurophysiology; chronic pain and joint function associated with aging and osteoarthritis, myofascial pain and fibromyalgia; the pathophysiologic mechanisms of myofascial trigger points; treatment of pain and joint/muscle dysfunction in chronic musculoskeletal disease.

Faculty profile:

Deb Stacey

Headshot of Deb Stacey

Associate Professor | Informatics Theme Lead, GBADs | Computer Science | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Development, use and analysis of knowledge engineering and machine intelligence techniques (particularly ontologies), data-driven ontology evaluation and ontology development for simulation parameters.

Faculty profile:

Anna Stanley

Headshot of Anna Stanley

Associate Professor | Geography, Environment, and Geomatics | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Indigenous environmental justice, environmental policy, resource governance and settler colonialism, mineral and uranium mining, taxation, and governance, Indigenous sovereignty, and political economies of settler colonialism, politics of risk, toxic exposure, environmental harm.

Faculty profile:

Travis Steffens

Assistant Professor | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: I leverage conservation biogeography, spatial ecology, and One Health approaches to understand how lemurs interact with and respond to human-caused disturbance. I am also interested in how humans are impacted by applied conservation measures targeting lemurs and their habitats. Specifically, I am interested in understanding the risk factors associated with zoonotic/anthroponotic transmission among humans and their domestic animals, wildlife, and their shared environment.

Faculty profile:

Dirk Steinke

Headshot of Dirk Steinke

Adjunct Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Biodiversity research, conservation genetics, community ecology, farmland diversity, plant-pollinator interactions, multi-species population genetics, joint species distribution modelling.

Faculty profile:

Deborah Stienstra

Headshot of Deborah Stienstra

Professor | Director, Live Work Well Research Centre | Jarislowsky Chair, Families and Work | Political Science | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests:  The intersections of disabilities, gender, childhood, and Indigenousness; disability rights, disability policy, women and gender and politics, gender, and work.

Faculty profile:

Live Work Well Research Centre:

Hannah Tait Neufeld

Headshot of Hannah Tait Neufeld

Adjunct Professor | Family Relations and Applied Human Nutrition | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: Indigenous health, food environments, community-based participatory research, Indigenous food systems, maternal and child health, global health, infant and young child feeding, nutrition policy, and chronic disease prevention.

Faculty profile:

Graham Taylor

Headshot of Graham Taylor

Professor | Research Director, Vector Institute | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: My research spans a number of topics in deep learning. I am interested in open problems such as how to effectively learn with less labelled data, and how to build human-centred AI systems. I am interested in methodologies such as generative modelling, graph representation learning and sequential decision making. I also pursue applied projects that leverage computer vision to mitigate biodiversity loss.

Faculty profile:

Eranga Ukwatta

Headshot of Eranga Ukwatta

Associate Professor | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Machine learning for medical imaging, deep learning, medical image analysis, image segmentation and registration, myocardial tissue characterization, analysis of digital histopathology images, and computational modelling of the heart.

Faculty profile:

Siavash Vahidi

Assistant Professor | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Structural biology and biochemistry, role of protein degradation in antimicrobial resistance and cancer, mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance.

Faculty profile:

Glen Van Der Kraak

Headshot of Glen Van Der Kraak

Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Multifactorial regulation of ovarian function in teleosts, evaluation of reproductive fitness in fish, endocrine disruption in fish and amphibians. 

Faculty profile:

Laura Van Eerd

Headshot of Laura Van Eerd

Professor | Research Program Director, Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance | Co-Executive Director, Soils at Guelph | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Sustainable soil management, agriculture, cover crops, nitrogen biogeochemical cycling, soil health.

Faculty profile:

Lauren Van Patter

Assistant Professor | Kim & Stu Lang Professor in Community & Shelter Medicine | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: animal studies, ‘living well’ in multispecies communities, multispecies justice, multispecies health equity, veterinary humanities & social sciences, human-animal bond, companion animals, environmental humanities.

Faculty profile:

Terry Van Raay

Headshot of Terry Van Raay

Associate Professor | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: signalling processes involved in disease and development, the Wnt signalling pathway, negative feedback regulators of Wnt signalling; Nkd1 and Axin2.

Faculty profile:

Jeji Varghese

Headshot of Jeji Varghese

Associate Professor | Sociology and Anthropology | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: As a critical community engaged scholar and environmental sociologist, her research interests include Indigenous and Western Science knowledge systems engagement in land/water governance/stewardship/conservation, just climate transitions, socio-ecological sustainability, and a scholarship of teaching and learning focused on community engaged learning and land based pedagogies.

Faculty profile:

Matthew Vickaryous

Headshot of Matthew Vickaryous

Associate Professor | Biomedical Sciences | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Using geckos and other organisms to study mechanisms of wound healing, regeneration, and development, scar-free cutaneous wound healing, neurogenesis, spinal cord regeneration, and cardiac repair.  

Faculty profiles:

Scott Walsh

Adjunct Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Oncolytic viruses and viral vectored vaccines.  T cell biology, autoimmunity, and cancer immunotherapy.

Faculty profile:

Keith Warriner

Headshot of Keith Warriner

Professor | Food Science | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: The significance of the dormant state in pathogens and how this contributes to temporal antibiotic resistance along with survival in the environment. Other research focuses on developing interventions to inactivate pathogens associated with fresh produce and meat. I am also on the Egg Farmers of Ontario SE Advisory board, current Editor-in-Chief of Food Microbiology journal and part of the Joint Expert Microbiology Risk Assessment of Codex Alimentarious.

Faculty profile:

Quinn Webber

Assistant Professor | Integrative Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Behavioural and spatial ecology: social behaviour, habitat selection and parasitism in individual wild animals within a One Health framework. Implementing classic ecological theory (optimal foraging theory) with contemporary methods (social network analysis and habitat selection analyses) to test multiple competing hypotheses.

Faculty profile:

Quinn’s Website:

Scott Weese

Headshot of Scott Weese

Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Bacterial infections in animals and humans, methicillin-resistant staphylococcal infections, Clostridium difficile, antimicrobial resistance, emerging infectious diseases, infection control.

Faculty profile:

Melanie Wills

Headshot of Melanie Wills

Director, G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab | Molecular and Cellular Biology | College of Biological Science

Research interests: Lyme disease, tick-borne infections, bacterial pathogenesis, complex and chronic illness, host defences.

Faculty profile:

Boyer Winters

Headshot of Boyer Winters

Professor | Psychology | College of Social & Applied Human Sciences

Research interests: The neurobiology of cognition, memory acquisition, consolidation, reconsolidation, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.

Faculty profile:

Geoffrey Wood

Headshot of Geoffrey Wood

Professor | Co-Director, Institute for Comparative Cancer Investigation | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests:  Pathology of neoplasia, multi-species comparative cancer genetics, biomarkers of cancer in dogs, microRNA in cancer, cancer resistance in large, long-lived animals.

Faculty profile:

Paul Woods

Professor | Clinical Studies | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Oncology and infectious disease.

Faculty profile:

Sarah Wootton

Associate Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Gene therapy, vectored immunoprophylaxis (VIP), oncolytic virotherapy, viral vectored vaccines, viral pathogenesis.

Faculty profile:

Sam Workenhe

Assistant Professor | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Cancer and immunotherapy; viruses of veterinary importance; vaccines.

Faculty profile:

Sunghwan Yi

Professor | Marketing and Consumer Studies | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics

Research interests:

  • Automatic determinants of addictive, impulsive and compulsive consumer behaviour (e.g., excessive buying, gambling).
  • Factors contributing to successful self-control versus self-control failure in excessive consumption.
  • Affective motives of engaging in excessive consumption behaviour: Coping with aversive self-related emotions. 
  • The use of choice architecture (nudging) and other micro-environmental changes to induce the choice of fruits, vegetables and legume-rich food in institutional food contexts.
  • Optimization of mixed dish offerings with partially substituting resource-intensive animal protein with plant-based ingredients (esp. legume): synergy among healthiness, environmental sustainability and sensory pleasure.

Faculty profile:

Richard G. Zytner

Professor | Engineering | College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Research interests: Soil remediation technology with emphasis on SVE and bioventing, contaminant transport parameters, treatment of vegetable and fruit wash water and residues.

Faculty profile:

Affiliated Postdoctoral Fellows

Dasiel Obregon

Postdoctoral Fellow | Environmental Sciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: Environmental microbiology, microbial ecology; metabarcoding, metagenomics and microbiome analysis; epidemiology, veterinary microbiology and parasitology, ecoepidemiology of vector-borne pathogens, host-microbiome-pathogen interactions.


Sugandha Raj

Postdoctoral Fellow | Pathobiology | Ontario Veterinary College

Research interests: Zoonotic avian diseases in the contexts of transmission, immune mechanisms, disease modelling and surveillance.

Christina Rochus

Postdoctoral Fellow | Animal Biosciences | Ontario Agricultural College

Research interests: I am a postdoctoral researcher working in Christine Baes’ group on the Resilient Dairy Genome Project.  My research interests include working with genomic data to study genetic diversity and adaptation in domestic and wild animals. 


Last updated: 3/7/2024

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